Some house sites’ gardens have been neglected for one reason or another, but before you can get it usable again you have to do the heavy handed work of garden rejuvenation, a service offered by Greenmillenium Landscapes.
Some gardens are overgrown over 3m tall and dense as well on the ground level, maybe full of fern or other unwanted grouncovers that you don’t want. Some of the tall plants are actually shrubs that have grown tall because of a competition for light. Sometimes you have to be cruel to be kind and cut the plant back to 1m tall. If you do this the next flush of growth will reveal a beautiful cared for plant. It’s now up to you to keep it’s height down.
Whether you are hiring a professional or doing it yourself, you need to take into account, that 1hr
of cutting and clearing equals 1hr of cleanup, and then take into account another 1/4hr for every hour spent in your garden, taking it to the tip and getting it off your vehicle. For a typical ute it will usually take 4hrs to get a full load.
When it comes to plant on the ground level, a strategy is needed to get it under control. Define the area that you want each ground cover to take up. Then get rid of any of that plant outside the defined area. If that means runners of the plant, cut them and chase every length of the runner to make sure you have done the best job and make it look new again after the job is finished.

This lilli pilli is overgrown for it’s corner, it needs 1/3 off the height andcut the ground hugging limbs to the stem
Trees and larger palms should be trimmed to allow you to walk underneath them without hitting your head. Also with palms cut off any branch that hamgs lower than 90°. This is for maintenance because over the period between your next clean up, new branches will be allowed to droop down. On trees if there are too many limbs cut out the ones that are crossing over.

this cordyline is tall and sparse if it is cut to 1m high it will thicken up again just like the one to the left
When it comes to shrubs that are not overgrown, most of them have a vase shape. Start from the bottom and cut back any branches to the stem from the ground to 30cm high. From there up start assuming a vase shape, and then cut off any branches outside you envisaged shape. Then if possible grab all the tips of the plant in your hand and cut them off to a similar height. To finish off look inside the plant frame and cut off
any branches crossing over through the normal upright angles that the plant is growing.
If you want a professional to do this work for you consider Greenmillenium Landscapes. We take care of the job for you. We consult with you at what you are trying to achieve and then take site aspects into consideration, and give you suggestions as to any better ideas we have to achieve the desired result.
On the job we cut the tall stuff down to size, turn srubs into shrubs again, and prune up trees to a majestic state. The shrubs we prune to bring them back to a good flowering state, and the gound covers bring them back into their growth area. And with weed pests we do the hard work to make sure we have eradicated as much as is possible of the problem, so that you don’t have to spend money, all the time for repeated calls to keep the problem under control. Also we trim all the plants, to look stunning, no branches cut off untidily, just clean cuts that go unnoticed except for the fact that you know something looks better about the job you do.
Consider the cost benefits of hiring a professional. Paul from Greenmillenium Landscapes is a qualified horticulturist. You can get a cheap backyard gardener who gets rid of the problem that they see. But, ifwe know the problem is deeper than it looks we go to the effort of stopping as much as possible first time round, so that you need our services less next time.