Hi it’s Greenmillenium Landscapes here based on the Gold Coast and provide service also in the Byron Bay and Brisbane areas.
It’s now winter time in our region, and the lawn is full of weeds. The stress that the summer growing season put on your grass made it go backwards in some cases. These lawns that have had a hard summer are the ones that have the most weeds in winter.
Why? This is because in summer the grass was growing strong and filling the gaps on the soil surface not leaving much room for a weed seed to germinate. Now it’s winter, the grass has relented and winter weeds fill the gaps. You will probably have a growth of clover that popped up from the previous year, winter grass has come up again and other weeds that don’t care what time of year it is but do better in the winter because they have no competition.
Sometimes there are persistent weed grasses such as Mullumbimby couch or nut grass.
Ultimately, the best way to avoid this problem is to keep your lawn watered and fertilised in summer so that it fills the gaps. Top dressing can also help where grass won’t grow the grass roots won’t penetrate the compacted soil below.
If you need to spray them let us break lawn weeds into 2 categories
- broad-leaf weeds (i.e from flowering plants)
- grass type weeds
Some selective herbicides are made for broad-leaves and others made for grasses.
Also check if the chemical is suitable for your grass. Buffalo grass is sensitive to bindii-killer and other selective herbicides.
Your turfs performance also depends on the soil that they grow in. On the Gold Coast there are the quick drying sands or the heavily compacted soils of the Robina and hinterland areas. Tweed-Byron areas tend to have red soil which is usually better for most lawn grasses.
As a qualified horticulturist Greenmillenium Landscapes provides garden maintenance and lawn care solutions for the Gold Coast and surrounding areas.
If you are looking to get your lawn back under control give Paul from Greenmillenium
Landscapes a call on 0422 193 262.
We can come out and get your lawn to a maintainable and uniform look.